Hip Conditions

Hip Osteoarthritis

This is a condition that occurs when the smooth lining of the hip becomes worn, leading to pain, stiffness and reduced mobility. It is very common, but more common in females, people who are overweight, those that have had previous hip injuries/conditions, and is more common in older people. There is no cure, but the condition can often initially be managed with non-surgical treatments such as pain killers, weight loss, and activity modification. When these are no longer enough then a hip replacement is a very effective treatment.

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Hip Bursitis

A bursa is a small sack with a smooth lining that usually contains a tiny amount of fluid. It reduces friction enabling the soft tissues to move over each other and bony prominences. Sometimes a bursa can become irritated or inflamed and this leads to pain, especially with movement. A common area for this to occur is over the bony prominence at the side of the hip (the greater trochanter) which is called trochanteric bursitis. Treatment is usually physiotherapy, sometimes a steroid injection, rarely surgery.

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